Japanese Kitkat & Kitkat-Matcha Greentea free shipping
Expand I might have ordered a few more things as well. I might have spent more than $150 altogether, but that would be silly and completely out of character for me. Setting aside the unrelated snacks for a later date, I tore into that brilliant red box, where the untold mysteries lurked behind 15 cardboard cutouts. The Kit Kat is one of Japan's most popular chocolate snacks, due in no small part to the name, which sounds like kitto katsu, or "you'll surely win" (thanks again, JBox!) Expand Opening the first window in this treasure trove was a special moment for me, the realization of a dream that's probably not as life-long as I made it out to be in the opening paragraph, but still pretty lengthy. What did I discover inside? Such wonders, my friends—such wonders. Fruits The Japanese do not f*** around with fruit. When they put a picture of a piece of colorful produce on a package, you can bet your ass that whatever is...