Earn money with FanSlave
Earn money with FanSlave All you have to do is to have a Facebook and a Twitter account with a profile picture on both and at least 5 friends or followers. Register on FanSlave using this link: REGISTER ON FANSLAVE Click on the red button : “Join NOW for free” Fill the Registration form with the required information and click I ACCEPT. CREATE MY ACCOUNT . Login with your Username and your Password in the right Panel of the site. Go to “ Your Account ” menu and select “ Facebook Overview ”, integrate your Facebook acoount and then select “ Twitter Overview ” to integrate your Twitter account with FanSlave. All you have to do know is to “Like” some people’s Facebook pages and to follow some on Twitter for credits. 2 Credits = 1 Cent. You can do this operation several times a day. To update the cents in your account you can click the green arrow under the Cash section and wait to update the earnings. Ch...