Earn money with FanSlave

Earn money with FanSlave

All you have to do is to have a Facebook and a Twitter account with a profile picture on both and at least 5 friends or followers.
Register on FanSlave using this link:

Click on the red button : “Join  NOW for free”
Fill the Registration form with the required information and click I ACCEPT. CREATE MY ACCOUNT.
Login with your Username and your Password in the right Panel of the site.
Go to “Your Account” menu and select “Facebook Overview”, integrate your Facebook acoountand then select “Twitter Overview” to integrate your Twitter account with FanSlave.
All you have to do know is to “Like” some people’s Facebook pages and to follow some on Twitter for credits. 2 Credits = 1 Cent. You can do this operation several times a day. To update the cents in your account you can click the green arrow under the Cash section and wait to update the earnings. Check the site several times each day to earn more credits, as there are more people to follow or to like appearing during 24h.
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